What is Muscle Imbalance in the Shoulder?
The muscles in the shoulder work together to stabilize the arm, while also allowing movement. If an abnormal relationship between the set of muscles that stabilizes and the set of muscles that allow mobility exists, is is called muscle imbalance in the shoulder. This can create issues with normal movements, as the stabilizing muscles are overpowered by the muscles that allow mobility, creating instability in the shoulder.
What causes Muscle Imbalance in the Shoulder?
Muscle imbalance in the shoulder is most often caused by repetitive motions that force the muscles to work unevenly. Trauma or injury can also cause this condition.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Fatigue, weakness, and loss of range of motion are symptoms of muscle imbalance in the shoulder. If your doctor observes these symptoms during a physical exam, you may be diagnosed with this condition.
How is Muscle Imbalance in the Shoulder treated?
Physical therapy is the most common treatment for muscle imbalance in the shoulder. If the condition becomes very severe and affects nearby structures, surgery may be necessary.